Experience the unprecedented power of his Linealytics Betting System - and start winning TONIGHT!

No matter how you dice it...

When you read it, you can’t help but shake your head in disbelief.

According to Forbes, only 6.1% of sports bettors actually accumulate wealth as a result of betting on sports...

Meaning 93.9% of
bettors lose!

That means 93 out of every 100 people like you, won’t make a freaking cent over the long haul betting on the games...

And on top of that...

Most bettors just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into a financial hole...

Stacking up more and more debt they can’t afford to pay.

It’s a sad reality...

Not to mention the late night texts habitual losers have to deal with,

“Hey pal, we’re gonna need to meet up tomorrow... I need you to make a payment on your debt.”

Then comes the money shuffle...

...when they lose at a consistent rate... shuffling their funds around like a sidewalk conjurer... just to hide their losses.

It's a vicious cycle...
a living hell.

But that’s the sad reality for most sports bettors.

Sound familiar? Can you relate?

If so, listen, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Nope, I can help lift the weight of that 900lb gorilla off your shoulders... How?

By pulling back the curtain and showing you the secret...

The secret of playing
it smart...

And all you've got to do is put a nerd by your side...

That’s right, through the ‘power of numbers’ you can be the one handing your bookie a financial beating...

...collecting envelopes stuffed full of c-notes from your local guy...

Or better yet...

...receiving a cash app, zelle, and paypal notification on your smart phone notifying you that your bookie just paid you :)

Trust me...

When you know it’s money in the bank... those annoying chimes of “Ding, Ding, Ding”... sounds a little bit more like “KA-Ching, KA-Ching, KA-Ching.”

All while you've got the
little local guys scrambling
to pay you off...

...and a handful of offshore books sending you fat bankwires.

Imagine, being the guy who walks into the casino’s sportsbook and walks out with a bank bag weighed down with Benjamins...

You, the guy, the man, the myth, the legend who can put such a beating on a local, offshore, or legal bookmaking operation...

...you have the gift-like ability to force an operation to close up shop in a single weekend or better yet...

These rigs start AVOIDING YOU... like the plague!

Because you’re a real financial threat to their bottom line.

As much as they might try...

They can’t put a finger on exactly how you keep doing it... day after day... week after week... month after month.

More on this in a second.

Now look, I'm sure you're the kind of person who’s nice to nerds...

But let's face it...

You don't want me to be your wingman in a bar room brawl...

You don't want me on your flag football team...

And you certainly don't want me to help you lift an old couch to the side of the road...

But if you want to turn this sports betting thing into a real side hustle, or you want to bank any kind of REAL money from betting for that matter...

Having a nerd around comes in very handy indeed...

Like when you're looking at a stacked wagering board...

Scratching your head... struggling to find the hidden value.

That's when my expertise comes in absolutely priceless.

You see, back in the day, sports betting worked like this:

A bookmaker would post a number then other books would just copy their numbers.

That was how lines were made for decades.

Then Bill Gates came along - the King of All Nerds.

He created the PC...

One thing led to another, and now, no-one's winging it when it comes to making lines...

Today, every book has more computing power than the deck of the Starship Enterprise.

When a line gets posted - you can bet your ass it's backed by a ton of analysis, quantitative analytics...

...and an Everest of historical data, taking into account how many steps, breaths, and heartbeats every player takes during a game.

So, when you're up against this kind of mathematical battering ram...

How do you get the
upper hand?

The edge?

In the face of such unfriendly odds...

How do you end the night, dancing on the table yelling, "Drinks are on me!"?

How do you get “that look” from your significant other because you’re showing them the sweet life and treating them like royalty?

Well, it's not by going it alone or depending on luck.

The only way to win at a respectable rate is to fight fire with fire.

Give yourself the chance to bank a sizable amount of money...

And I’m not talking, one and done... I’m talking every single month.

Picture it, the winnings you’re collecting from all these bookies...

...you’re covering your mortgage

...you’re covering your car payment

...you’re covering your kids tuition

...you’re spending a little bit extra on the wife (or your spouse)

...You don’t mind splurging on Amazon

...you don’t mind buying that $300 bottle of wine

...you get the idea, RIGHT?

That's how you go from being a nobody who everyone walks all over - to being the most respected name in town.

That's the power
of winning... PERIOD.

And I'm in a unique position to help you do it.

My name's Peter Pierce.

Better known as, "The Vegas Nerd."

Because if you want to know where there's hidden value in the lines...

Your hunt ends right here, right NOW.

You see, the books think they're oh so clever...

With their algorithms and their big data analytics...

Even your local bookie thinks he's got it all figured out.

But here's what I've found...

With a little elbow grease, some caffeine, and a shift at my laptop...

I can punch holes in their plan to send you to the poor house.

Because when MY MATH... meets THEIR MATH... sparks fly... and magic happens.

Meaning bettors like YOU make serious money...

Here's why:

Not so long ago I worked on Wall Street... right down the hall from a hedge fund manager.

This guy was so rich... if he wanted to, he could send a fleet of Brinks Trucks over the Bellagio and buy the place IN CASH!

But I wasn't getting rich working for him... oh no!

My boss wasn't big on sharing the pie. He wanted it all to his own greedy meat hooks!

Every year he'd buy a bigger yacht... a faster car... and another home the size of a football field.

His secret was simple:

He used guys like me to help him find inefficiencies in the market...

Inefficiencies he could exploit for massive amounts of money... hundreds of millions, even billions.

So it goes without saying, guys like me can be EXTREMELY helpful to have around.

On Wall Street they
call us, Quants

We dig deep down into the numbers... and we come up clutching gold.

We locate hidden patterns... anomalies... inefficiencies...

But what we're really looking for is OPPORTUNITIES.

Ways to enter a marketplace with a distinct advantage over everyone else.

So that money starts raining down from the sky.

And as it turns out... the stock market isn't too different from the betting markets.

Think of it this way...

In the stock market...

You could crunch all the data on Tesla and you might conclude that it's overvalued.

In other words, its stock is priced too high...

So in that case, you'd bet against Tesla - you'd short the stock...

You'd bet that the price will go down, in line with its true value.

And if that happens, you make money.

Similarly, in the betting markets you might see a book has the Lakers "minus 10"... as in 10 point favorites.

Are they right?

Not according to your data.

Your data says the book is wrong...

It says the book is overvaluing the Lakers...

So in that case, you'd bet on their opponent to cover.

Stocks... sports teams... in many ways, they're all one and the same.

They're either undervalued or overvalued - or valued just right.

And when you find an inefficiency - you pounce!

And you profit!

And there's a lot of profits to be had...

The betting industry is now worth $203 billion.

That's an enormous pie - and unlike my old boss, I believe that a pie that size deserves to be shared.

Because while the stock market might be rigged for the rich... with a nerd by your side...

Anyone can hit it big in sports betting.

You can start off small... and incrementally you can increase the size of your bets... until you're looking at a bankroll the size of Texas.

And all the money you need to really start enjoying life.

It's a great feeling and I know it well.

Because not long back, I left the Wall Street rat race in the rear view mirror... and now, I call Vegas home.

Today, I apply the same hard-nosed analysis to sports betting... as I used to apply to stock trading.

And trust me, there MUCH more money up for grabs in sports.

I've honed, tweaked, and ruthlessly refined a system that allows me to run rings around everyone.

My Linealytics System is absolutely one-of-a-kind... and I weild it with a single-minded goal:

To uncover the TRUTH about the lines that they don't want you to know!

The anomalies...

The inefficiencies...

They think you'll never notice them - but they've underestimated you.

They didn't know that you're that rare guy with the killer instinct needed to actually beat the house!

Because like I said...

This is a mammoth $203 billion pie - and even if I share my secrets with you - I can still eat like a King.

That said, maybe you don't need me at all.

Could you develop a system like this yourself?

Sure you could.

IF you're a card-carrying nerd.

IF you eat, drink, and sleep equations.

IF studying spreadsheets sounds more appealing than sex...

Okay, maybe, EQUALLY as appealing :-)

My point is...

If you've got the skills to generate and decipher incredible amounts of data... go for it.

But if you're too busy for all of that... let me shoulder the load.


Here's the deal:

I'll give you the system picks - all you have to do is place the bets.

I'll give you access to the members area, plus, text you each pick so you get it right away, and you can access every selection on-demand.

As a client... I'm here to put you under my wing and protect you from all kinds of expensive mistakes...

Any one of which could result in you losing your shirt...

Digging yourself a major 4 to 5 figure financial hole.

So let's cut to the chase...

How much am I asking for this kind of V.I.P concierge service?

Not nearly enough.

You can even start off by paying just, well, actually, I don't want to spoil the surprise. :-)

Let's just say, I know I need to prove my worth to you, so for a strictly limited-time... you can get started with the system & picks for what amounts to a hill of beans.

Let me show you why my system and my picksare in a league of their own... then I know you'll be back for more.

Give me a chance and I'll come through for you big.

I'll do the math...

YOU bank the money...

You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain...

So don't wait...

See the Linealytics System picks RIGHT NOW...

On a daily basis... the books seriously misprice games - they overvalue and undervalue certain teams by a significant amount - but very few people understand this.

Just me, and now YOU!

It's a recipe for the most exciting chapter of your entire life.

The choice is yours.

You can keep beating your head against a brick wall... keep losing...

Keep digging yourself further and further into a deep financial hole...

Join those 93 out of every 100 bettors who live life staring down the barrel of a loaded gun.


You can catch the ladder I'm lowering down to you... and start climbing out of the hole.

Let's get you back to even... and then some!

Or better yet... if you've yet to get started or you're new to betting... then let's get you started off on the right path from the get go.

Sound good? Let's make it happen TODAY!

So don't wait...

Click below now and give the Linealytics System a try today.

To your success,

AKA, The Vegas Nerd

P.S. If you’ve read all of this I can only imagine you plan on having skin in the game.

Since that’s the case...

Ask yourself this...

“How much did I bank last season?”

When you met with your bookie last season...

Were you the one ponying up, or the one collecting an envelope stuffed full of cash?


Wiped the pain from your memory banks?

No worries... I understand.

Did you find yourself chasing a BIG payday last season trying to get back even?

Trust me, I get it.

Again, don’t stress it... Degenerate gambling never ends well.

Just understand this:

Nothing I’ve revealed to you today is based on gambling.

Fact is, I hate gambling...

The math needs to make sense or I'm not sending out a pick. It's that simple.

The reason you lost in the past is plain ‘n’ simple:

You’ve been misled to think you can go up against the books on your own... or that you can just handicap teams and players...

But that won't get you anywhere.

That's a recipe for short term wins and long term losses...

...why else are you even watching this video?

I’ll tell you why: your way does NOT work.

The Linealytics System is mind blowing because it goes against everything you “think you know”.

But listen...

Don’t take my word for it.

See for yourself.

All the risk is on me.

Click the button below.

Take The Linealytics system for a test-drive.

Prepare to get “shock and awe’d”... even wow’d!

Let me remind you what stress free winning feels like.

Let me turn you into a well respected... and even envied... Financial genius... Who just gets the math.

I’m sure you’ll make the right call.

Let's do this!

You’re going to love the change.

Once again, I’m Peter Pierce.

I’ll see you on the inside.

Copyright 2021 The Vegas Nerd LLC. Rights Reserved!